About one month has passed from the release 1.4 and I like to hear from you how babel is performing.
During the last month I have fixed one bug on static field onfuscation for generic types. I know that it can be quite difficult catch a bug on this kind of application that are not a crash of the obfuscator itself. It is likely that the obfuscated target crashes instead.
So if you experienced a situation like that: your application crashes after being obfuscated, let me know, and if there is a bug I will fix and release a new version of babel as soos as possible.
Another note about the obfuscation agent.
During the development I have coded a bounch of rule into the agent.
These rules are printed into the console output during obfuscation. If you think that your application does not work after obfuscation because a rule is missing please let me know.
I really appreciate your help so don't esitate to send me your user experience.
Best Regards.
Great, thanks!
I'll test it right away :)
Hi Lars.
Presently I am doing tests on next 1.5 release. If you like I can send you the executables for your tests on your email.
Hi Alberto,
Yes I would like to perform tests using the 1.5 candidate. I have added my email address to my Blogger profile.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
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